About HQ

Homelessness QLD is a collaboration of homelessness services in Queensland (QLD). It was established as South Queensland Council to Homeless Persons (SQCHP) in 1996, became an incorporated association in 1997. It was renamed the Council to Homeless Persons QLD in in late 2017, and in 2022 changed to Homelessness QLD. HQ engages with the housing and SHS sectors across QLD and represents the Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) sector as a peak body

We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples and Traditional Owners and custodians of the land and water on which we all rely. 

HQ continues to advocate for the creation of safe and affordable housing, and a strong mandate on improving the experience of homelessness in Qld.

We work in collaboration with the Department of Housing, other State Government departments, peaks, and other key local and National stakeholders to ensure all organisations in the housing and homelessness sector and the clients they service are included and represented in sector planning and sector development activities.

It's not just a building

A home is not just a physical space, it provides roots, identity, security, a sense of belonging and a place of emotional wellbeing.

 Homelessness is a complex problem. If we are to end it, we need to understand and engage all levers available to us.

Specialist Homelessness Services

The SHS sector is providing valuable services to the most vulnerable members of society in an environment of increasing demand and complexity.

For homelessness services funding uncertainty creates unnecessary pressure and threatens service continuity, a key element in securing good outcomes for people experiencing homelessness.

Homelessness QLD strongly support an increase in funding for our services to takle the increased deamnd.


HQ works with its members both government and non-government to prevent and reduce homelessness across Queensland.

HQ represents and promotes the important work and interests of its members across the Specialist Homelessness Sector (SHS) with a view to bettering outcomes. It also indirectly assists homeless persons through the provision of information and improving overall outcomes through its members.


We value openness, honesty, transparency, integrity and accountability and we work tirelessly on behalf of our members to provide support, advocacy, training and networking/collaboration opportunities.


HQ’s objectives are clear and measurable:

1. Provide advocacy and support to achieve social justice on behalf of people who form its Target Group.

2. Ensure accountability, transparency and quality practice are delivered to those who are homeless.

3. Collaborate with other agencies and societies within the community whose objectives are compatible with HQ’s.

4. Assist in policy development based upon the contribution of all members.

5. Build cross-section partnerships to improve accessibility to suitable housing options.

6. Contribute to research issues of state and national importance to the sector.

Being heard is the first step