The MDCMM is a collaborative framework aimed to enhance integrated, cross-discipline support within the specialist homelessness services (SHS) sector. Utilising a co-design approach, HQ is gaining insights from the SHS sector and broader service systems to develop a contemporary model that addresses the diverse needs and challenges faced by individuals experiencing uncertain housing or homelessness. The goal is to co-design and deliver a draft model by June 2025.

Key features of the model include a consistent approach to informed consent, intake, assessment, and risk management processes. It emphasises person-led case planning and review, ensuring individuals maintain their own voice, supported by systems advocacy to address micro and macro systemic issues. The model adopts a culturally sensitive framework to support First Nations people, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, LGBTIQ+ individuals, and other marginalised groups.

The model aims to foster well-connected regional service ecosystems, creating collaborative communities of practice for meaningful referral pathways. A focus on outcomes-driven transitions will guide people from support to stability, while contemporary case review and supervision methods will prioritise workforce wellbeing and resilience. This integrated, person-centered approach is designed to strengthen sector capacity and deliver impactful, holistic support throughout the SHS sector.